Are you experiencing any of the following?

  • Dull aching pain in your head?

  • Tenderness in your neck, shoulders and scalp?

  • Tightness or pressure on your forehead or the side of your head?

  • A throbbing sensation in your head?

  • Stiff or painful neck?

Headaches can be extremely debilitating for people who suffer from them.

For many, headaches are a frequent occurrence that can be felt coming on.

Pain in the neck and shoulders are a common sensation that accompany headaches and migraines.

There are many possible causes of headaches and migraines, which is why they are to be taken seriously.

Chiropractic for Headache treatment

Our first goal is to determine what is causing your headaches, and to see if you are a candidate for chiropractic care. If your headaches are more serious in nature we will be sure to refer you to the right people to help you.

The most common cause of headaches or migraines is neuro-muscular in nature. Meaning the symptoms are caused by structural imbalances in the body; poor posture, poor spinal alignment, muscular imbalances etc.

In these instances where this is the cause, chiropractic care is a safe and effective method for headaches.

As well dealing with the immediate symptoms, chiropractic care focuses on preventing future bouts of by educating you on the lifestyle and ergonomic factors which created the problem in the first place.

We take a holistic approach to healing you recover; on top of our specific and personalised chiropractic adjustments our approach includes rehabilitative exercises and stretches, plus specific at home exercises to help improve your posture.

Improving posture is a key focus for many headache sufferers which helps to create long-term improvement.

Our team is 100% committed to helping you get back to your optimal health and to ascend to your best life.