Are you experiencing any of the following?

  • Tightness or stiffness in your back?

  • A dull ache around your back, particularly in the morning or after exercise?

  • Shooting pain in your back or down your buttock and leg?

  • Sciatica?

  • Difficulty performing daily movements like putting socks on due to pain and restriction?

  • Difficulty or tightness when breathing deeply?

  • Slouched posture?

Back pain is one of the most common complaints we see as chiropractors. It is estimated that 3.7 Million Australians suffer from back pain.

Overall, 70%-90% of Australians will experience back pain or sciatica at some stage in their life.

Back pain can present in many different ways. The pain commonly consists of a dull ache, muscle soreness/tightness, shooting pain down the leg (sciatica), stiffness, locking and limited range of motion.

There are many possible causes of back pain and no two people are the same. Which is why in order to give you the best experience and results it is necessary for us to perform a thorough examination of your body.

Our first priority is to ensure that we know exactly what is going on with you and your body, and what is causing your back pain.

During this process, if we deem that you need to be referred to another health care practitioner, we will be sure to find the right person to help you.

For the most part, many people with back pain or sciatica have a neuro-muscular cause of their pain. Meaning their back pain is mechanical in nature, due to poor spinal alignment, muscular imbalances etc. In these instances where this is the cause, chiropractic care is a safe and effective method for back pain.

We work with people of all ages and body types, finding a method of adjusting that suits your body and individual needs.

We take a holistic approach to healing you heal and get back to your best. On top of our specific chiropractic adjustments we incorporate rehabilitative exercises, ergonomic and lifestyle advice as well as nutrition recommendations.

Our team is 100% committed to helping you get back to your optimal and to ascend to your best self.